by Kaine & Duds | Jan 11, 2019 | Happy Stuff
Remember when soap used to leave you smelling like … well, soap? There are definitely worse things to smell like but the advances in personal fragrance technology over the last ten years have been remarkable, leaving the smell of ‘soap’ behind us....
by Kaine & Duds | Jan 10, 2019 | Happy Stuff
Imagine how great it would be to own your own airplane banner business. You could put any message you wanted in big, glorious letters in the sky. Maybe you need to set the record straight on an outstanding argument: “Happy Anniversary! Love your FAVORITE son.”...
by Kaine & Duds | Jan 9, 2019 | Happy Stuff
We started doing puzzles together as a family. It’s actually a lot of fun and gets everyone talking about a variety of subjects. The highlight though is that our 4-year-old says, “You nailed it!” every time we string together a bunch of pieces. ...
by Kaine & Duds | Jan 8, 2019 | Happy Stuff
One of the great responsibilities of being a parent is helping with language development. Occasionally, a little poetic license is acceptable. Thanks to my wife, the front stoop (or steps) to the house will forever be known as ‘The Juicy’ by our 4-year-old. “Dad, do...
by Kaine & Duds | Jan 4, 2019 | Happy Stuff
If I were to choose a spirit animal, it would likely be the flamingo. They’re pretty cool to look at. They generally live in warm, tropical climates. Spend most of their time chatting it up with their buddies. And they get to eat shrimp all day. Who wouldn’t want...
by Kaine & Duds | Jan 2, 2019 | Happy Stuff
Hands-down, one of the greatest road trip games of all time is Slug Bug (or as it’s called in some parts of the world, Punch Buggy). While traveling, if you were the first to see a Volkswagen Beetle on the road you yelled, “Slug Bug” while punching whomever was...